Your Ego Hates You And Will Kill Your Spirit If You Let It!

15 min readJan 28, 2020

We humans are remarkably self-centered.

Belief that the universe revolves around our individual needs starts at birth. Babies quickly figure out crying or making a fuss gets them attention.

Of course we’re helpless at that point so the method has merit. The problem is, many of us never leave that level of centrism. Yes, it evolves as we age, but at the core its the same wailing baby that we were back then.

Part 1 — Ego is

Ego is an artificial construct that builds around us as we experience life.

Needs are met or not met, desires are stymied or engaged. Each win or loss forms the basis for how we ‘feel’ our lives are going.

That feeling sets the tone for how well or how poorly we interpret our existence. Across a lifetime of experience the ego becomes ‘who we are’. It’s a lie, but it’s a difficult one to see and combat.

Anyone who truly believes they are what they appear to be is incredibly easy to damage or manipulate. They have no mechanism to fight back against someone with the superior knowledge of human nature and an inclination to do harm. Many of us can be made to do anything people like that want.




I’ve been writing on and off all my life. A few years ago I finally ran out of excuses not to write and here we are.